2021, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (4)
Differences in the degree of empowerment in mexican women entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs
Montúfar MAR, Ruiz CE, Salguero VMA
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 1566-1586
PDF size: 189.15 Kb.
Attending the poverty and gender inequity issues that still injure the
female population, various strategies have been set up for their
solution, as the empowerment promote (power acquisition process
over own decisions, actions and resources) and entrepreneurship
(micro-business foundation and self-employment). Into the current
research, it makes an empirical approach to study the link between
both concepts (empowerment and entrepreneurship) in Mexican
women. Some investigations, after analyze the women partakers’
speeches, propose that the entrepreneurial activities influence
positively in the empowerment process. This base the hypothesis
that leads the current investigation: that the empowerment degree
is higher in those women that perform some kind of entrepreneurial
activity, in comparison with those whom don’t do it. Thus, the aim
of the research is recognize if there are significant differences in
the empowerment degrees between two women groups, one of
them entrepreneur and the other without that feature. Methodology
was quantitative and, through electronic media and between April
and June 2020, was applied the Instrument to measure the female
empowerment, developed by Hernández and García (2008) and
validated with Mexican population, to a non-probabilistic sample
constituted by 306 women who live at the Mexico City and State of
Mexico (Metropolitan area). To the scale added the item “Do you
perform any kind of entrepreneurial activity? Specify” which would
serve as grouping variable for subsequent analysis. That
instrument have seven factors: participation, temerity, external
influences, independence, equality, social satisfaction and security.
Sample’s age range was from 18 to 73 years old, and 96 women
assured that they perform some kind of entrepreneurial activity.
Results display a statistical significant difference between the both
groups’ means of the empowerment degree; this allowed rejecting
the null hypothesis and accepting the hypothesis testing. To each
one of the factors, in every cases there were a significant
difference for the entrepreneurial group, except for the factor called
external influences. It concludes that the empowerment degree is
higher in those women that perform some type of entrepreneurial
activity, in comparison with those whom do not do it; that difference
was statistically significant, and it can be support by subsequent
researches using larger samples.
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