2021, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (4)
Other people matters. and a special place for our couple?
Barragán EAR, Peres MDS
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 1467-1490
PDF size: 202.40 Kb.
Caring for and maintaining quality relationships with our peers is
vital to our well-being and flourishing. It is dedicating the right time
to nurture the relationships we have in order to feel supported and
accompanied. According to this, it is also to generate them, trusting
they will help us face the life´s adversities. This theoretical article
delves into dynamics and concepts associated with interpersonal
relationships, with special emphasis and analysis of conjugal life or
as a couple. Likewise, it highlights (through recent documentary
research) the importance that people give to the issue of the
couple and related variables (negative and healthy aspects of life
as a couple), placing it in a special place in their lives and in clear
harmony with the construction and achievement of individual and
social well-being.
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