2021, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2021; 35 (1)
The teaching of neuroanatomy through the combined usage of traditional resources and multimedia devices
Fabro VAP, Iungman DJ, Díaz GY
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-18
PDF size: 666.65 Kb.
In the field of Neuroanatomy teaching, it is necessary to carry out innovations that enable better understanding among students.
To determine the contribution to the students’ learning of Neuroanatomy of a methodology that combines traditional resources and multimedia devices.
Descriptive and interpretive case study based on participant observation of a Neuroanatomy workshop developed through a combined approach using plastic models (preserved in formaldehyde) of organs of the central nervous system; based on observation and discussion of dissection videos; and for the interpretation of images obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), projected on an LCD screen. Initially, the students were showed, before and after the workshop, the five basic instructions related to the subject, three of which were conceptual, while the two other consisted in schematizing basic structures of the central nervous system.
It was appreciated that the students participated actively in the proposed activities and the professors served as learning guides, by posing questions through the inquiry methodology. The analysis of the conceptual answers and the diagrams carried out, before and after the workshop, shows an adequate theoretical-practical usage, as well as an improvement in the understanding of the structures, for which the realization of more complete and more precise diagrams was achieved. precise.
Through proposals such as the one presented, it is possible to transform the teaching of Neuroanatomy though methodologies centered on the educator, which allows the evolution towards other pedagogical models centered on students, supported by physical and technological resources.
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