2020, Number 6
System model to face COVID-19 pandemic supported on a Balanced Scorecard
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 548-562
PDF size: 391.73 Kb.
Introduction: facing COVID-19 adds important challenges for healthcare professionals in charge of the facilities, and the control and prevention of infections in the community. One of the biggest challenges faced by hospitals is to manage their resources with more efficiency without lowering the quality of the service.Objective: to shape the efficacy of COVID-19 management system, based on its effectiveness and efficiency.
Method: a balanced scorecard was made based on indicators of efficiency and effectiveness.
Results: the balanced scorecard was designed to support the pandemic management system, with 5 indicators of performance: Financial, Learning and Growth, Internal Processes, Client and Life (the last one related to virus lethality indicator). The global indicators of efficiency-effectiveness and EFECOVID serve as references to determine the usefulness of the system to face the pandemic.
Conclusions: the EFECOVID indicator was designed to diagnose the efficacy of COVID-19 management system. It is supported by a balanced scorecard, different from the traditional one in order to stop the pandemic, contrary to ¨Vida¨ program, that was focused on dealing with the pandemic.
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