1999, Number 3
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Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex 1999; 62 (3)
Suicide, homicide and drug consumption in children and adolescents
Espinosa MA, Anzures LB
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 183-190
PDF size: 64.22 Kb.
This paper intends to summarize some relevant issues concerning suicide, homicide and drug consumption in children and adolescents, from the point of view of pediatric practice. The main intention is to pretend avoid the unnecessary painful and stressful consequences of this acting-out attitudes of children and adolescents through preventive measures derived from positive of the pediatrician in charge these patients. The medical knowledge is thigthtly joined to the social and psychological sciences. All of them, together, are implicated in the fight of these primarily preventable conditions.
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