2020, Number 3
Epithelioma cuniculatum associated with human papillomavirus. Case presentation
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 718.02 Kb.
Introduction: Epitelioma cuniculatum is an unusual variant of epidermoid carcinoma. It is the subtype of cutaneous verrucous carcinoma that affects the foot and can be associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV). The lesion is frequently confused with plantar warts, delaying its diagnosis and treatment.Objective: To present an uncommon case of a patient with long history of epitelioma cuniculatum of the right foot associated with HPV, which spread out forming a vegetative mass affecting the last three toes.
Case presentation: A sixty-nine-year-old white male patient (phototype III) that in three different moments had undergone excision of plantar warts in the right foot presented a torpid evolution with the appearance of ulcerative lesion of two centimeters in diameter. The biopsy was positive to epidermoid carcinoma associated with HPV; so, resection including safety margins around the tumor was performed.
Conclusion: An unusual case of epidermoid carcinoma of the foot related to a plantar wart associated with HPV, which was initially removed by inadequate surgery, is presented.
Martín Peinador Y, Lupiani Castellanos MP, Jiménez Alés R. Infección por virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH). Vacunas Profilácticas. Indicaciones. [Internet]. España: Asociación Española de Pediatría de Atención Primaria; 2019. [Citado 26/08/2019]. Disponible en: Disponible en: https://www.aepap.org/sites/default/files/documento/archivos-adjuntos/doc_gpi_vph_def_abril_2019.pdf
Villagómez Ortíz VJ, Paz Delgadillo DE, Marino Martínez I, Ceseñas Falcón LA, Sandoval de la Fuente A, Reyes Escobedo A. La prevalencia de infección por virus del papiloma humano en pacientes con diagnóstico de carcinoma espinocelular de cavidad oral, orofaringe y laringe. Revista Cirugía y Cirujanos [Internet]. 2016 [Citado 08/02/2020];84(5):[Aprox. 2 p.]. Disponible en: http://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-cirugia-cirujanos-139