2021, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2021; 38 (2)
Morbidity of mental health disorders in adolescence. Analysis of clinical records of the outpatient clinic of the Center for Mental Hygiene “Dr. Carlos Nava Muñoz”
Campbell-Araujo ÓA, Figueroa-Duarte AS
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 90-101
PDF size: 227.43 Kb.
As part of general health, mental health (MH) depends on culture and socioeconomic conditions. Poverty and what it
entails: unhealthy conditions, malnutrition, illiteracy, family disorganization, social marginalization, negatively affect
MH problems.
Objective: To know the morbidity of MH disorders in adolescents, from the outpatient clinic of the Dr. Carlos Nava Muñoz
Mental Hygiene Center; in the city of Hermosillo, Sonora, from January to December 2016.
Material and Methods: 142 record files from the pediatric neurological service were selected for review. For the elaboration
of the date capture format and statistical analysis, the statistical package Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(SPSS) Version 19 was used. In the classification of clinical diagnoses, the DSM-IV and the International Classification
of Diseases were used. -CIE10- of the WHO. Type of study: Prospective and observational.
Results: It was observed that there are differences in MH disorders in adolescents according to sex (biological entity)
and gender (sociocultural entity). According to the male sex, the highest frequency of neurodevelopmental disorders was
found, in the first place: the diagnosis of intellectual disability, in a ratio of 28/9 (men/women). Followed by learning disorders
in a ratio of 10/5. Regarding those related to gender, in males, it was found: conduct disorders with a distribution
of 19/5. The use of substances of various types in a ratio of 18/6. Female gender were: Anxiety/depression 15/6 (women/
men); cutting self-harm disorder 15/5; adaptative disorders 8/4.
Conclusions: We need a government that really invests in improving the living conditions of a large part of the population:
well-paid employment, housing, health, education, generating development opportunities, building a sense of
community, respect for human rights, etc. Re-educate, sensitize and train the personnel who work in their institutions:
Culture, Education, Health Services, Legal., with a focus on social justice and equity so that this is reflected in the care
provided to the people of each increasing vulnerable population. If concrete actions are not carried out in these various
areas, we cannot expect improvements.
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