2016, Number 33
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Salud Quintana Roo 2016; 9 (33)
Thyroid cancer: Clinical characterization and consistency of diagnostic tests
Vidaurri-Ojeda AC, Gómez-Hernández J, Chávez-Hernández MM, González-Fondón A, Jiménez-Báez MV
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 11-17
PDF size: 249.38 Kb.
Introduction: Thyroid cancer has a prevalence of 10% in head
and neck tumors. The objective of the study was to identify thyroid
cancer epidemiological characteristics in patients undergoing
thyroid surgery and compared according to their histological type,
and determine the agreement between diagnostic tests.
Material and methods: A cross-sectional study, patients undergoing
thyroid surgery from 2010 to 2013 in a secondary hospital with
definitive histopathological result of thyroid cancer were included.
Clinical data, diagnostic methods, pathology and evolution were
recorded. They were classified according to TNM (tumor-lymph
node-metastasis) and recurrence was determined. Comparing the
characteristics according to the histology was performed.
Results: Forty four cases of thyroid cancer were reported in the
study period undergoing surgery; average age of 44 years, 93% were
women; according to their lineage histology 77,2% was papillary
carcinoma, follicular 18,8%, 2,2% and 2,2% undifferentiated mixed.
Moderate agreement between diagnostic tests. (
ὠ =0.64).
Conclusions: The frequency of thyroid cancer according to their
histological type in our study is similar to what was published.
Diagnostic tests have a moderate agreement for the diagnosis of
thyroid cancer.
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