2020, Number 6
Behavior of genodermatoses in San Juan y Martinez municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 308.12 Kb.
Introduction: genetic diseases and congenital defects constitute the second cause of death only in the child of one year; these diseases can be of chromosomal, multifactorial and monogenetic origin. Genodermatoses are included in the last one, where the early diagnosis influences on the prognosis of life of the genetic carrier.Objective: to characterize the behavior of genodermatoses in San Juan y Martinez municipality in the period 2018-2019.
Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional research was conducted, with a target group comprising 476 patients with genetic diseases and a sample of 40 patients with genodermatoses; working with the variables of age, sex, color of skin, family history, type of genodermatosis and type of hereditary patterns, through the collection of data for the review of clinical histories.
Results: it was recorded that 83,3 % belonged to male sex, white skin color prevailed (78 %), 29 patients had no family history, ichthyosis (27,5 %) predominated, and autosomal dominant hereditary pattern was the most frequent (70 %).
Conclusions: genetic diseases are gaining a greater position in society every day, as a result preventive actions must be taken, starting from the Primary Health Care in order to counteract its incidence and improve the quality of life of the patients.
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