2021, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (3)
The most frequent symptomathologies in women during climateric syndrome
López SRG, Chacón PWL
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1277-1290
PDF size: 373.40 Kb.
The climateric syndrome, is a health problem that demands the care
of middle-aged women, is associated with a decrease in the quality
of life, and the increase in the costs associated with their care. The
prevalence of symptoms in Latin America ranges from 22% to 63%,
and in Mexico 80% have symptoms but only one fifth have any
treatment. The objective is to determine the most frequent
symptomatology in women between 40 and 59 years of age in the
Family Medicine Unit 80. Descriptive type study of cross-sectional
design, 123 women with climatic symptoms were evaluated,
sociodemographic and family variables were recorded. We applied
the MRS questionnaire (Menopause Rating Scale) standardized
instrument composed of 11 items that make up 3 symptomatic
domains: somatic, psychological and urogenital. Registration Ethics-
Research Committee:2019-1602-031. The analysis was performed
in SPSS V25 using descriptive statistics, and the results were
expressed in simple frequencies and percentage distribution. The 5
most frequently found symptoms in the climate stage were hot
flashes, sweating and heat (74%), vaginal dryness (68%), urinary
problems (62%), anxiety (62%) and irritability (58%). The severity of
the climatic symptomatology was 80% with severe symptoms and
20% very severe intensity. The present study concludes that the
most affected domain at the climacteric stage was somatic, followed
by psychological and finally urogenital.
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