2021, Number 3
Meanings of the educational actors of high school education about the academic regime
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 948-971
PDF size: 443.92 Kb.
Educational institutions have been studied from different theoretical and methodological approaches, this article takes the premises of Institutional Analysis to investigate ways in which institutional aspects, specifically with regard to academia, affect educational practices. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the academic regime is internalized and meaningful by students and teachers of UNAM's two high school subsystems taking into account the provisions of the legislation. A qualitative methodology was used, consisting of the implementation of seven focus groups, four with teachers and three with students. Speech produced in different groups was categorized and analyzed using content analysis based on the following categories: subjective positioning, illegal acts, class rules and academic freedom.REFERENCES
Ávila, A. Ser universitario y cultura de la legalidad. Universidad Nacional Autónoma De México, Facultad De Derecho, División De Universidad Abierta. Recuperado de: https://www.derecho.unam.mx/ofertaeducativa/ licenciatura/sua/Guias/Guias-2020/Primersemestre/ SerUniversitarioyCulturadelaLegalidad.pdf
Santiago, E. Toscano, A (2010) Educación inclusiva. Regímenes académicos y trayectorias educativas. Resultados preliminares de un estudio en escuelas secundarias y escuelas de reingreso de la zona metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Recuperado de: https://docplayer.es/75282575-Educacion-inclusivaregimenes- academicos-y-trayectorias-educativas-resultados-preliminaresde- un-estudio-en-escuelas-secundarias.html