2021, Number 6
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2021; 42 (6)
Casein-phosphopeptide-amorphous-calcium-phosphate plus brushing with fluoride toothpaste for remineralization of early caries
Juárez-López MLA, Gómez-Rivas YC, Murrieta-Pruneda F
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 272-279
PDF size: 207.40 Kb.
Background: Casein-Phosphopeptide of Amorphous-Calcium-Phosphate (CPP-ACP)
promotes dental remineralization and revers of early carious lesion; however, the clinical
evidence is limited.
Objective: Compare the preventive and remineralizing effect of CPP-ACP in two presentations:
chewing gum and cream for self-application on permanent teeth.
Materials and Methods: Clinical trial carried out in students aged 11 to 13 years,
with a duration of three months. Permanent premolar and molar surfaces were included:
free of caries and with incipient carious lesions. Participants were randomly assigned
to three groups: a) Chewing gum with CPP-ACP; b) Self-apply cream with CPP-ACP
and, c) control. They brushed their teeth with a sodium fluoride toothpaste. For data
analysis, median and percentile were calculated and Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney
U and Wilcoxon tests were used.
Results: Ninety students aged 11 to 13 years were studied for three months. A total
of 971 permanent premolar and molar surfaces were included: 843 caries-free and
128 with incipient carious lesions. A decrease in fluorescence values was found. The
medians of the differences between the baseline value and after each treatment in teeth
without caries were: chewing gum: -2 (-5.0)); cream group: -1 (-3.1) and control group:
-1 (-3.1). p = 0.001. For those teeth with incipient lesions, the medians were: gum:
-15 (-19, -2), cream: -10 (-14, -5) and control -10 (-16, -4) with significant differences
between the gum group with that of pasta and control (p = 0.001).
Conclusion: CPP-ACP plus brushing with fluoridated-toothpaste showed remineralizing
effect and limited the advancement of incipient carious lesions, with greater
efficacy for chewing gum.
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