2020, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2020; 21 (3)
Contribution of the master’s degree in Ergonomics, Safety and Health at Work to the training of the comprehensive General Physician
González BE, García BY, Fuentes HM
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 36-43
PDF size: 231.86 Kb.
Introduction: Investigations guided toward the identification of
necessities of professional training in specialists of the Integral General Medicine, coincide in the relevancy of treating contents linked to
the ergonomics, the security and the health in the work, starting from
the results obtained in the systematic validation of the professional
Objective: The present study has as objective; to value the
contribution of the Mastery in Ergonomics, Security and Health from
the Work to the Integral General Doctor is training for the integral
medical attention to the worker.
Material and method: During the
investigation, theoretical methods were applied as the analysis and
synthesis, the historical-logical one and the systematizing; among the
empiric, ones they were used the revision of documents, the interview,
the case study and the consultation to experts. Mathematical-statistical
methods were used for the prosecution of the information.
Nodes integrative cognitive were evidenced, procedural and axiological that contribute to the improvement of the Integral General Doctor's
professional acting and the formation of a wide scientific culture in
relation to the ergonomics contents, security and health in the work.
Conclusions: The conclusive actions corroborated the potentialities
and the high level of contribution in the organizational way of used
postgrad, in correspondence with the proposed objective.
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