2020, Number 4
Satisfaction of patients beneficiated with university cooperation for the development of patient safety in Riobamba, 2017
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 969.78 Kb.
Introduction: University cooperation for the development of patient safety through models of accreditation and health training generates a health culture of care that evolves towards improvements in care.Objective: Determine the satisfaction of direct and indirect beneficiaries with instrumental, technical and educational actions developed within the framework of the MaS•Ecuador project, in Riobamba canton, 2017.
Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, mixed-focused study was conducted. The population was the total of direct and indirect beneficiaries who participated in the training activities (348). A non-probabilistic sampling was carried out that included those individuals (96) who agreed to participate, at ages equal to or over 20 years, with optimal mental health state and who were in their job or home location at the time of the tools´ application. As a technique for data collection, a questionnaire designed by the research team was used, and it was validated during the research process at the discretion of specialists.
Results: The direct and indirect beneficiaries of the MaS•Ecuador project referred to have a high level of general satisfaction with the instrumental, technical and educational actions developed in the framework of this intervention. There was a predominance of the female sex and the category of health professional.
Conclusion: Interventions such as the project "Manos Seguras Ecuador" (MaS•Ecuador) contribute to the development of training processes in the academic and community fields and help to prevent diseases and reduce risks in health care, guaranteeing patient safety.
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