2020, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2020; 92 (4)
Acute respiratory distress syndrome in children: duration of ventilation and survival
Rodríguez-Moya VS, López-González LR, Verdecia SL, Díaz-Casañas E, Ramírez MA
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 385.35 Kb.
The acute respiratory distress syndrome is a disease that evolves with severe hypoxemia, and it is not frequent in pediatric intensive care units, but it has high mortality rates.
To determine the relation between demographic and clinical variables with the mechanical ventilation and survival in children with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Retrospective study in patients admitted in 15 pediatric intensive care units with diagnosis of acute respiratory distress syndrome. There was an assessment of the demographic variables, the clinical forms of this syndrome, the duration of mechanical ventilation and the survival rates. Qualitative variables were presented in absolute values and percentages, and were analyzed with the Pearson´s ji-square test and means comparison.
282 patients were recorded, 63.7% of them were under 6 years old, 54.4% were males and 51.1% were white. Pulmonary clinical forms prevailed (58,1%) and were correlated (p= 0,022) with the survival rates, and the mean of mechanical ventilation´s duration was of 10 days. There was relation (p= 0,000) between the duration of ventilation and mortality. It was recorded a total mortality of 40.78% (n= 115).
Acute respiratory distress syndrome has higher incidence in children under 6 years and in the pulmonary clinical forms that are related with a higher survival, which increases in the same way that mechanical ventilation´s amount of days do.
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