2020, Number 4
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Rev Odont Mex 2020; 24 (4)
Design and evaluation of educational audio-visual material on clinical procedures in Preventive Dentistry
Herdez GLE, Aguilar DFC, Morales CF, Ramírez TMÁ, Villanueva VMC
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 297-306
PDF size: 254.03 Kb.
Introduction: Regarding the different ways in which people learn, visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, it has been proved that audiovisual material is one of the most effective ways for the student to analyze and retain information. Objective: To develop and evaluate educational videos about diverse preventive treatments to support the learning of Preventive Dentistry. Material and methods: A literature review was performed. The collected information was validated by a group of experts in the field to give rise to the content of the videos. Storyboards were made, and the recording and production of the videos were performed. Finally, videos were evaluated by first and second graders of Dentistry and Postgraduate students of Pediatric Dentistry of the National School of Higher Studies, Leon unit, UNAM. Results: Four videos about fluoride application, fissure sealants resin-based, glass ionomer fissure sealant, and silver diamine fluoride procedures were developed to be used as educational tools in the area of Preventive Dentistry. These videos were evaluated by 103 students whose results showed a good level of acceptance as a learning tool in preventive dentistry. Conclusions: The created videos have an adequate acceptance so they can be used as support material to improve the knowledge.
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