2020, Number 4
Scientific production about COVID-19 in Cuban student journal
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-15
PDF size: 459.70 Kb.
Publication in student scientific journals constitutes elements of great value in the research training of undergraduate students. The objective of this study was to characterize the scientific production referring to COVID-19 published in the Cuban student journals. An observational, descriptive and bibliometric study was carried out in articles published in the Cuban Student Scientific Journals. The Zotero reference manager was used to manage the metadata and VOSviewer to analyze the co-author networks. 22 articles were published, where 45,45 % were published in Universidad Médica Pinareña. The predominant typology was the letter to the editor (50 %). A total of 53 authors were reported. 54,55 % of the articles were signed by two authors, 32,08 % came from the University of Medical Sciences of Havana, 36,36 % were signed by foreign authors. 212 references were used, of which 4,25 % were from Scientific Student Journals, citing five articles from Universidad Médica Pinareña. The general Price index was 0,86. Three main co-authorship networks were identified, which produced between 2 and 6 articles and consisted by 3 and 6 authors. There is a low number of publications of articles on COVID-19 in Cuban student scientific journals, which are concentrated in Universidad Médica Pinareña and 16 de Abril magazines, while showing a high index of publications by foreign authors. Well-defined collaborative networks are appreciated.REFERENCES
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