2020, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2020; 31 (3)
Integration of information and communication technologies into neuropsychological intervention
Fernández ME, Fernández CY, Crespo MMC
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 226.87 Kb.
The purpose of the study was to provide an updated view of the use of information and communication technologies in the neuropsychological intervention of brain damage patients. To achieve such an end, a review was conducted of the literature published on any date prior to June 2019 in the databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, HINARI, LILACS and SciELO. The authors' professional experience in the subject was taken into account. The main information and communication technologies in current use for the neuropsychological evaluation and rehabilitation of cognitive processes in this population are software, telerehabilitation, virtual reality, smart phones, mobile apps and video games. These technologies have been used to treat a variety of cognitive functions (attention, memory, executive functions, visual-spatial abilities and language, among others) and conditions (traumatic brain injury, dementias, stroke, epilepsy, elderly patients, etcetera). One of the challenges to be faced in the future will be the creation of technologies proving their effectiveness in the reincorporation of these patients to their daily activities. Several Cuban institutions have integrated information and communication technologies into neuropsychological research, confirming their clinical usefulness.
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