2020, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Hematol Inmunol Hemoter 2020; 36 (3)
A professional upgrading program in transfusion medicine for the specialty of anesthesiology and resuscitation
Torres RUR, Fernández FN, Menéndez CAT, López LSE, López LS
Language: Spanish
References: 34
PDF size: 369.49 Kb.
Professional upgrading should promote the development of skills for better occupational performance. The competent performance of the medical personnel in transfusion medicine requires in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge that they do not receive during the training process.
To design a postgraduate program aimed at the specialty Anesthesiology and Resuscitation for the development of competence in transfusion medicine.
Study carried out at the University of Medical Sciences of Camagüey, between March 2016 and December 2018. A documental analysis was carried out to identify the competence components. We investigated the provincial professional upgrading activities on transfusion medicine together with related skill in the residence program, related skills. We identified, though questionnaire, the learning needs experienced; these guided the design of the postgraduate program, which was validated by criteria of specialists and through pre-experiment.
There were few professional upgrading activities referred to about transfusion medicine; the residence program includes only some skills. A diploma course program was designed based on the stages of curricular planning in medical education, the learning needs identified, and the competence components. Most of the specialists evaluated it as excellent. In the pre-experiment, the evaluation by the students was positive.
The diploma course program is in correspondence with the projections, regulations and strategies of the MINSAP for competent professional performance in transfusion medicine within the specialty of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation; it is scientifically, technically and pedagogically validated and is adaptable to other settings.
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