2019, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2019; 35 (2)
Construction of a conversation map for pregnant and postpartum women about newborn care
Lima FN, do Amaral GF, Braga MA, Lima BJ, Cavalcante MM, Mota PTM, de Freitas RF
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 389.06 Kb.
Health education practices developed with pregnant women should be stimulated from the prenatal stage, with the support of educational materials that favor the care of the mother-child binomial. Among the educational technologies, the conversation map stands out, which enables dialogic approach through images.
To build a conversation map for pregnant and postpartum women about newborn care.
Methodological study conducted in four phases: situational diagnosis; literature review; development of texts, illustrations and layout; and evaluation of the Flesch Reading Ease Index, between 2014 and 2015 in an Extension Unit of the Federal University of Ceará. The texts placed on the cards were evaluated by the text analysis program itself Microsoft Office Word. The testimonies were grouped to facilitate coding and develop the analysis of qualitative information.
The conversation map presents four great scenes that illustrate the way of life of the mothers in the study: 1) feelings of the pregnant woman when she discovered herself pregnant, 2) care with newborn babies, which involve vaccination and neonatal screening, 3) hand-washing, and 4) prevention of sudden infant death. The Flesch Reading Ease Index was above 80%, which shows easy reading level for the general population. The study assessed the experiences and values of pregnant women during the construction of the conversation map, an essential condition for empowerment.
The conversation map provides mothers with an understanding of the topics treated in a playful and pedagogical way and, in addition, contributes to the proper practice of health services.
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