2021, Number 2
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Rev Latin Infect Pediatr 2021; 34 (2)
Position paper of the Mexican Association of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (AMIP) on the status of childhood immunization in Mexico and the need to establish catch up strategies in the country
Xochihua-Díaz L, González SN, Ortiz-Ibarra FJ, Mascareñas SA, Rodríguez BE, Luévanos VA, Hernández PM, Rodríguez ML, Merlo PM, Antonio NG
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 73-78
PDF size: 201.23 Kb.
Since the alert of UNICEF to Mexico in July 2020, there has been a historic drop in vaccination coverage in the Mexican child population. Multiple factors have been added in co-responsibility of this situation, such as the recent shortage of drugs in recent years in both the public and private sectors, and the imbalance in public health caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the vaccines of the national scheme have registered sharp drops in coverage, such as the BCG, hexavalent, hepatitis B, and pneumococcal, among others. According to UNICEF, only between 56 and 76% of children in Mexico received those vaccines in 2019, presenting a reduction of 20 percentage units in 2018. Moreover, it is estimated that for 2020, this vaccination coverage would fell even more. This situation is an important concern to the Mexican pediatric community, so selected fellows of the AMIP held a virtual meeting to analyze the impact that the fall in vaccination coverage at the national level will have on the health of Mexican children derived from the COVID-19 pandemic. The following work emphasizes the importance that different catch-up schemes will have according to age, doses applied, or missing shots in the following years after the COVID-19 pandemic; thus, generating a position statement that shows proposing strategies to mitigate this serious health problem.
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