2020, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2020; 59 (2)
Effectiveness of tranexamic acid treatment for upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Mato RYA, Ramos RAO, Fernández DS, Hernández AY, González CN
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 458.51 Kb.
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is an entity with a high incidence, multiple etiology and difficult to manage.
To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with tranexamic acid in upper digestive bleeding.
An experimental study was carried out, starting from a clinical trial carried out in Cuba in 2012, which included the universe of patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding who were admitted to the general surgery service of the General Teaching Hospital "Comandante Pinares" in the period between June 2016 and May 2018. They were divided into two study groups: a first group underwent conventional treatment according to the established algorithm, and a second, which, in addition to the treatments proposed in the algorithm, were given administered tranexamic acid, according to the protocol to achieve the projected objectives. The variables were analyzed and interpreted using numbers, per hundred and the chi square statistical technique, with 95% reliability.
The patients treated with tranexamic acid added to the treatment protocol evolved satisfactorily; with shorter hospital stay, better evolution of clinical parameters, fewer transfusions and surgical interventions, clearance of evacuating enemas and bleeding controls in 48 hours.
The use of tranexamic acid reported greater benefits than conventional treatment in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
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