2020, Number 25
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Rev Tame 2020; 8.9 (25)
Agenesia e impactación de terceros molares en pacientes del centro del Estado de Puebla
Colorado-Pinillo ML, Huitzil-Muñoz EE
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1001-1006
PDF size: 175.87 Kb.
Objectives: To determine the prevalence of agenesis and impaction of third molars in the center of the State of Puebla. Identify the agenesis and impaction of third molars according to gender, age and in which quadrant they are most common.
Materials and methods: 510 files were reviewed, of which 236 met the inclusion criteria. Panoramic radiographs were reviewed where the state of the third molars was observed: if they were absent or if they were present in what position or class they were according to the Pell and Gregory classification. The results found were recorded on an emptying sheet specially designed for this study, performing a final count and statistical analysis to obtain the final results.
Results: In this study an agenesis of 28% was found, being more predominant in women with 66% than in men where only 34% was obtained. Finding greater agenesis in quadrants 1 and 2 with 14% in both and 60% in patients aged 15 to 20 years. According to impaction, 52% were found, with a higher prevalence in class II of the Pell and Gregory classification.
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