2020, Number 24
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Rev Tame 2020; 8.9 (24)
Frecuencia de anomalías dentales en pacientes de la clínica de la Especialidad de Ortodoncia de la UAN
García-Rosas BL, Gutiérrez-Rojo JF
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 974-977
PDF size: 72.32 Kb.
Dental anomalies are the result of alterations in the development of the teeth, these obey to genetic and environmental factors; alterations in number, morphology, size and eruption can appear. Abnormalities cause disharmonies that can lead to the establishment of malocclusions, also make orthodontic mechanics difficult and limit treatment results.
Objective: To determine the frequency of dental anomalies in number, morphology, size and eruption in panoramic radiographs of patients who are looking to start orthodontic treatment.
Methods: Observational and transversal study in which files of patients attending the Postgraduate Course in Orthodontics at the UAN were included. The sample consisted of 183 panoramic radiographs. The data obtained were analyzed with respect to frequency, sex and dental organ using the χi
2 test (*P‹0.05).
Results: 46.45% of the patients presented some kind of dental anomaly, being impaction, absence and short roots the most frequent ones. No significant differences were found between sex and the number of anomalies found.
Conclusion: The high percentage of dental anomalies found in this study shows the importance of their detection during the orthodontic diagnosis of our population.
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