2021, Number 1
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Cuba y Salud 2021; 16 (1)
Clinical exchange of a case with bilateral mandibular transposition of the lateral incisors
Delgado CL, Rodríguez GL, Llanes RM
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 109-112
PDF size: 438.25 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the clinical exchange of a case with bilateral Mandibular transposition of the lateral incisors.
Case presentation: A 8 years-old female, white race, class II division 1syndrome, presented lateral incisors in
transposition with lower canines. The treatment demand themesial reposition of the lateral incisor avoiding the possibility
of a complete transposition with the canine. We used two compressed coil spring of NiTi into a lingual archmade with
stainless steel .032 round wire from horizontal clasp of the lingual arch to the eyebolt which have been welded in the
bands that were cemented previously in the lateral incisors. The coils were activated once a month and the treatment
was finished in 6 months.
Conclusions: The bilateral partial transposition entity has a low frequency. The space for the Mandibular canine was
recovered, without damage of the adjacent tooth and bone structures. It contributed of the improvement of the dental
and facial aesthetic.
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