2021, Number 3
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salud publica mex 2021; 63 (3)
Prevalence of iron deficiency was stable and anemia increased during 12 years (2006-2018) in Mexican women 20-49 years of age
Mejía-Rodríguez F, Villalpando S, Shamah-Levy T, García-Guerra A, Méndez-Gómez HI, De la Cruz-Góngora V
Language: English
References: 45
Page: 401-411
PDF size: 339.14 Kb.
Objective. To compare the prevalence of women 20-49
years of age with iron deficiency anemia (IDA), iron deficiency
with no anemia (IDNA), and non-ID anemia (NIDA) in comparison
during 2006, 2012 and 2018, and their association
with sociodemographic characteristics and nutritional status.
Materials and methods. Ensanut 2006, 2012 and 2018-
19 are comparable for measurements of anemia (hemoglobin)
and Iron deficiency (ID, by ferritin). Both measurements
combined were compared with year of surveys and other
dependent variables using a multinomial regression.
In 2006, the total prevalence of anemia was 14.9% and ID
29.0%, the prevalence of IDA was 8.35%, of IDNA 20.5%,
and NIDA 6.6%; in 2012, the total prevalence of anemia was
13.3%, ID was 9.6%, IDA 8.6%, IDNA 21.0% y NIDA 4.7%; in
2018 total prevalence of anemia was 21.4%, of ID 25.7%, IDA
10.5%, IDNA 15.2% and NIDA 10.9%.
Conclusions. The
total prevalence of anemia increased 6.5 pp between 2006
and 2018, IDNA reduced, IDA had no significant changes, the
mayor increase (4.3 pp) occurred in NIDA.
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