2021, Number 05
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2021; 89 (05)
Retrospective of medical care of pregnant women during the 2019 listeriosis outbreak in a tertiary hospital of Sevilla, Spain
Gallardo-Martínez J, Brenner-Anidjar RD, Palomo-Rodríguez MF, Farrona-Villalba A, Pantoja-Garrido M, Corrales-Gutiérrez I
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 378-386
PDF size: 192.32 Kb.
Objective: To analyze the epidemic outbreak in pregnant women attending a tertiary
hospital in Seville, describe the medical care and evaluate their perinatal outcomes.
Materials and Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study of the
epidemic outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes in August 2019 in Andalusia, carried out
in pregnant women who attended the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Management
Unit of a third-level hospital. Study variables: symptoms, leukocytosis, elevated
CRP, diagnostic techniques for detection of the microorganism in blood, placenta or
amniotic fluid, antibiotic requirement, need for hospitalization, and perinatal and
maternal outcomes.
Results: There were 87 pregnant women who came for consultation due to the outbreak:
57 were symptomatic and 30 were asymptomatic. Fifty-three patients received
prophylactic antibiotic treatment at home and 14 required intravenous treatment. Five
cases of listeriosis were confirmed. Of these, 3 occurred during the third trimester of
pregnancy. Perinatal outcomes were: 2 fetal deaths and 3 healthy term newborns.
Maternal mortality was nil.
Conclusions: This outbreak of listeriosis is unprecedented and is the largest
documented in Spain to date. The great social alarm generated among the pregnant
population and the seriousness of the possible adverse perinatal outcomes led most of
the pregnant women attended to receive prophylactic antibiotics.
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