2021, Number 38
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Inv Ed Med 2021; 10 (38)
The evaluation of clinical competence through a Web-OSCE: an application experience
Rivero-López CA, Vega-Rodríguez MF, Yap-Campos K, Jiménez-Galván I, Ponce-Rosas RE, Martínez-González A
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 68-75
PDF size: 457.22 Kb.
Introduction: The pandemic caused by SARS-Cov-2 has
modified the teaching of medicine. The Structured Objective
Clinical Examination (OSCE) is one of the strategies
that has the greatest validity evidence to assess clinical
competence, however, in Mexico there is no experience
in applying it remotely (Web-OSCE).
Objective: to evaluate the degree of clinical competence
of first-year resident physicians of the family medicine
specialty through a Web-OSCE, comparing the origin of
admission (ENARM vs ECA) and, according to the results,
to be able to implement this remote evaluation.
Method: Observational and comparative study. The population
consisted of 20 resident physicians, two groups
were formed, 10 from the ENARM and 10 from the ECA,
from various Health Institutions recognized by the Family
Medicine Branch of the UNAM. The instrument used was
a 4-station Web-ECOE.
Results: First-year family medicine residents generally
show an acceptable degree of clinical competence in
four common diseases of the first-level medical practice.
The highest scores were for the diabetes mellitus and
arterial hypertension stations and those with the lowest
scores were the depression and obesity. Residents of the
ENARM tend to obtain higher scoresin clinical competencies
than residents of the ECA program.
Conclusions: The residents from the ENARM had better
scores in clinical competencies than the residents from
the ECA. Carrying out a Web-OSCE made it possible
to assess the clinical competence of the residents. It is
recommended to continue with the use of the Web-OSCE
in graduate programs to assess clinical competence in a
more comprehensive way.
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