2020, Number 3
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Cuba y Salud 2020; 15 (3)
Attention to the psychopathological manifestations of the child during the quarantine by COVID-19
Carmenate RID, Fonseca DIM
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 83-89
PDF size: 294.85 Kb.
Objetivo: to provide family members with guidance and
psychological tools for the management of psychopathological
manifestations of children during quarantine.
Development: a bibliographic search was carried out in
the Medline/Pubmed, Elseiver, Scielo and academic Google
databases. Descriptors such as disaster, pandemic, quarantine and psychopathological manifestations were used. It was found
in the reviewed literature that, during critical situations such as
the COVID-19 pandemic, manifestations occur that can appear
before, during and after the health disaster. Quarantine, in which
social isolation is sought, can be a stressful time for the child’s
development and lead to the appearance of psychopathological
manifestations that can sometimes be avoidable. The most
appropriate way to avoid and deal with it if it occurs is in the hands
of the guardians and the people who live with the child.
Conclusions: psychological resources and general guidelines
are provided to parents so that they can assume the time of
confinement with responsibility.
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