2020, Number 3
Self-care strategy in older adults against COVID-19 in the community
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 52-57
PDF size: 1138.43 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate the self-care strategy in adults older people against COVID-19 in the community.Method: intervention research and development at the Polyclinic “Dr. Rudesindo Antonio García ”of the Rijo of the Municipality and Province of Sancti Spíritus in the period from March to May 2020, which shows the self-care strategy in older adults against COVID-19 in that community. The variables were the level of knowledge of the elderly about COVID-19 and self-care against it. It was used the structured interview and the survey of the elderly. After the strategy was applied, the proportions were compared populational.
Results: significant changes were achieved in the level of kno ledge of the elderly at the end of the application of the strategy. After applying the strategy, self-care prevailed acceptable what was due to changes in generative behaviors of health.
Conclusions: the self-care strategy was applied and evaluated in older adults against COVID-19, which raised the level of knowledge and improved self-care to combat it.
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