2021, Number 38
Proposal for a model for assessing the clinical competencies of the stomatologist
Vaillard JE, Martínez AF, Huitzil MEE
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 51-58
PDF size: 375.86 Kb.
Introduction: Holistic evaluation for stomatological clinical competencies can be a good tool to identify breaks between instructional objectives and your teaching method.Objective: Propose a holistic evaluation design as an evaluative research of formative, ecological, naturalistic type, integrator for clinical competencies of the stomatologist.
Method: In an educational, experimental, prospective, comparative study, the scope of a holistic evaluation using eight indicators was analyzed with mixed methods. The sample was organized by groups (n = 4), students (n = 72), teachers (n = 35) as interest groups involved in the teaching process. It was conducted with ethnographic observation and in-depth interview in the student groups and a validated questionnaire (Cronbach’s alpha = .8660) applied to clinical teaching staff.
Results: The groups evaluated holistically increased the treatments (Ts = 8.38, p = 0.001), the group average was similar (Ts = .235, p = 10) Relationship treated patientsdaily clinical time (4 hours ICC = 0.586, p = .01) Teacher update = 8.5%. The syntagmatic analysis of the students that revealed insufficient time, teacher conflict, evasion of responsibilities, expectations about grades was performed. The analysis showed inconsistencies between school administration-organization, inadequate teaching profiles, and insufficient / doubtful income. He explained the critical path of learning clinical skills, teachers do not know / confuse the objectives of the clinical courses and the evaluation process.
Conclusions: The proposal is effective for the achievement of learning clinical skills. The mixed type methodology allows a better interpretation of the phenomenon and facilitates decision making
Nolla-Domenjó M, Palés-Argullós J. Instrumentos de evaluación y sus características. En: Núñez-Cortés J, Palés-Argullós J, Rigual-Bonastre R, eds. Guía para la evaluación de la práctica clínica en las facultades de medicina. Instrumentos de evaluación e indicaciones de uso. 1.ª ed. Madrid: Unión editorial; 2014. pp. 33-44.