2020, Number 5
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Medisur 2020; 18 (5)
Psychometric properties of the therapeutic adherence scale based on explicit behaviors
Balcázar NP, Gurrola PGM, Esparza VOA, Moysén CA, Garay LJC
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 800-814
PDF size: 619.30 Kb.
the study of therapeutic adherence is of vital importance to ensure that a patient with chronic conditions adheres to a treatment scheme. This is a research area of psychology, which allows exploration for the implementation of guidelines in this regard. Having instruments that have adequate psychometric properties facilitates the work of knowledge on the subject.
to describe psychometric properties of the therapeutic adherence scale, in people with different diseases.
analyzes of factors were performed, an initial exploratory and then a confirmatory one. Goodness statistics were obtained, as well as the reliability and validity of the scale in its final version.
an exploratory factor analysis (first phase) was carried out with 193 participants; the reactive had a good fit, grouping into a two-factor structure. In a second phase, the scale structure was confirmed with 231 participants. Goodness-of-fit statistics were good; the scale reliability (factor 1 α = 0.93; factor 2 α = 0.76 and overall reliability α = 0.83), is adequate with two factors. In the third phase, descriptive analyzes, correlations between variables were carried out and some sociodemographic variables were compared. There were significant differences due to the presence or not of children; the total scale score is related to age, schooling and the number of children.
the therapeutic adherence scale has adequate psychometric properties to be used in research on treatment adherence in some medical conditions; its two-factor model has adequate goodness of fit.
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