2013, Number 1
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2013; 3 (1)
Association of overweight and caries dental in children aged 3 to 6
de la Luz-Ayala-Escandón C, Raquel-Zambrano-Palencia O, Starlight-Franco-Trejo C
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 7-21
PDF size: 320.35 Kb.
Antecedents: In recent years our country, changes
in feeding patterns have increased the cases
of obesity and overweight in children
Aim: to
determine if the prevalence of tooth decay is
associated with overweight and obesity in preschool
children of the Zacatecas-Guadalupe metropolitan
Materials and methods: Was
conducted retrospective observational cohort
study, in two study groups: children with normal
weight (n=108) and children with overweight
or obesity (n=54). To determine overweight or
normal weight, an column scale and a digital
scale is used, the data were analyzed according
to IMC breakpoints for each age according to
gender with tables of percentile of the Center
for Diseases Control (CDC). For the registration
of disease tooth decay was carried out clinical
examination of dental under artificial light, flat
dental mirror, who probe and surfaces barriers
of protection, using the criteria of the international
system of evaluation and detection of Dental
Caries (ICDAS II). The collected data were
processed in the statistical package SPSS 17 for
obtaining tables and figures. Testing was used
to determine the association between the variables
of study x2 and relative risk (RR).
In children with alarmingly the prevalence of
caries was 77.8% while that in overweight children
was 69.1%.
Conclusions: This study found
no evidence of association between dental caries
and overweight.
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