2021, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (1)
Suicide ideation in an adolescent as a case study from the humanist logotherapeutic perspective
Ruiz AHY, Castro VA, Rodríguez PM
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 99-121
PDF size: 301.00 Kb.
There are several attempts by psychological schools to explain phenomena such as suicide. Ideation is a variable that persists in many human beings. This case study was carried out from the humanistic-logotherapeutic approach with an adolescent who attempted suicide, proposing a psychotherapeutic intervention with principles of these currents. Instruments such as the psychological interview, Beck's suicidal ideation scale, Beck's Depression inventory, the empty chair technique and the lifeline were used, which allowed us to obtain the necessary information for the therapeutic procedure. As a result of this case study, the adolescent's areas were thoroughly explored from their experiences, emotions and experiences, it was possible to understand in a more assertive way which were the motivations that led them to the extreme of committing the act of suicide, it also allowed us working in a reduced area of motives and less regulating force of them on behavior, without focusing so much on the act, if not on the phenomenological understanding of their worldview.
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