2021, Number 2
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Aten Fam 2021; 28 (2)
Prevalence of Depression in the Elderly Population from a Public Primary Care Unit in Michoacán
Martínez MMC, Gutiérrez MA, Bonaparte CE, Gómez AC, Lajud N
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 125-131
PDF size: 287.29 Kb.
Objective: Determine the prevalence of
depression in the elderly population in
a primary care facility (Unidad de Medicina
Familiar [UMF]) in Michoacán,
Mexico and its association with gender,
education, and age.
Methods: A crosssectional
analytical study was performed.
Elderly participants of 60 to 84 years
of age from the UMF No. 5 of Sahuayo,
Michoacán, completed the Yesavage test
from March 2019 to June 2019. Gender,
education, and age were considered as
associated factors. The χ
2 test was used
to identify the differences in proportions
between the associated factors and Spearman’s
R to determine correlation.
117 elderly patients were included. The
prevalence of depression was 40.17%.
The prevalence of depression was not different
between genders (female: 53.85%
and male: 46.15, p = 0.79%), education
levels (elementary: 82.91%, secondary:
11.97%, high school: 3.42% and
college: 1.71%, p = 0.57), or ages (p›
0.05). The correlation analysis did not
show an association between any of the
Conclusions: The prevalence
of depression in the elderly population
was higher than that reported in other
groups; however, as previously reported,
in the sample studied, associations with
gender, education and age were not
observed. Depression in the elderly is
an underdiagnosed pathology that does
not manifest a determining trait. Hence,
primary care physicians should perform
an intentional search.
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