2021, Number 2
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Aten Fam 2021; 28 (2)
Factors Associated with Problematic Use of Internet in Adolescents
Texon FO, Ramírez AJM, Rodríguez GAM, Álvarez VNA, Ramírez AYL, López SSJ, Ruiz MSA, Valdez GB
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 111-117
PDF size: 163.89 Kb.
Objective: To analyze the factors associated
with problematic use of internet
in adolescents.
Methods: multicenter,
cross-sectional, analytical study.
Adolescents from public high schools
participated in five states of Mexico.
The sampling was simple randomized
by clusters. Problematic use of internet
was measured with the validated scale
(Internet Addiction Test) and social,
health, family and academic factors
by means of a survey. Descriptive statistics
and binary logistic regression
were used to predict variables with
p‹0.05 as significant.
Results: 777
students participated, 30.6% presented
problematic use of internet, which
was associated with academic factors
such as: delay in homework (69.3%;
p=0.001), non-attendance to class
(14.7%; p=0.001), problems with
the teacher (20.6%; p‹0.001), lower
grades (48.5%; p‹0.001). Health factors:
decrease in sleep hours (66.4%
p‹0.001); and social factors such as:
conversations with unknown people
(51.7%; p‹0.001), dates/sentimental
relationships with people known
through the internet (12.6%/18.1%;
Conclusions: problematic
use of internet in school adolescents
is associated with factors that could
affect their academic environment,
generate unhealthy risk behaviors or
social problems.
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