2021, Number 2
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Aten Fam 2021; 28 (2)
Clinical and Epidemiologic Characteristics of Breast Cancer in a Regional General Hospital in Cuernavaca, Mexico
Herrera PIL, Albavera HC, Morales JR, Ávila JL
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 101-105
PDF size: 147.01 Kb.
Objective: To identify the clinical and
epidemiological characteristics of women
with breast cancer at the Regional General
Hospital with Family Medicine Unit
(RGH/FM) No. 1 in Cuernavaca Morelos,
Methods: cross-sectional design,
the obtained information was from women
diagnosed with breast cancer from
March 2018 to June 2019.
Results: the
sample consisted of 145 files of women
with breast cancer, the average age was
55 years, 65% lived with their partner,
44.1% were overweight, 41.4%, obese,
46.2% presented active or passive
smoking, 15% reported alcohol consumption,
75% did not practice regular
physical activity; the most predominant
type of cancer was infiltrating ductal
carcinoma in 76.6% of cases.
the identified risk factors in this
study were: obesity, overweight, smoking,
alcoholism, sedentary lifestyle, as well as
the use of hormone replacement therapy.
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