2021, Number 1
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Rev CONAMED 2021; 26 (1)
Capacity of physicians to detect violence against women in the external office
Macías AFJ, García TO, Vázquez AL, Álvarez VAS
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 27-34
PDF size: 121.11 Kb.
Introduction: Violence against intimate partners has been documented in all countries of the world. WHO estimates that worldwide around 1 in 3 women have suffered physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner or by third parties at some point in their life, so it is important to know how to detect them and above all to do so in health sector.
Objective: To identify the capacity of doctors to detect violence against women in the outpatient clinic.
Material and methods: Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study. With prior authorization from the research and ethics committees and the signing of the informed consent, the PREMIS survey was conducted with specialist physicians who provide consultations from different specialties, descriptive statistics were performed. The autonomy of each participant was respected, in adherence to national and international regulations on research, Belmont principles, the declaration of Helsinki and the general health law in Mexico.
Results: Of a total of 58 doctors, 30 (51.7%) family doctors and 28 (48.3%) doctors from other specialties were evaluated. male sex predominated 32 (55.2%). 41 (80.7%) doctors do not have any previous training in violence against women, 39 (67.2%) feel minimally prepared to detect it.
Conclusion: The capacity of family and non-family doctors to detect violence against women is less than 50% in the population of health professionals surveyed.
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