2020, Number 03
Interruption of pregnancy in adolescents from Santiago de Cuba province
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 368-380
PDF size: 1032.20 Kb.
Introduction: Sexual education should promote positive attitudes toward a responsible sexuality and contribute to adopt an active posture to prevent risks in people that begin their sexual life.Objective: To characterize the adolescents with pregnancy interruptions according to selected variables.
Method: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of 16 356 adolescents from Santiago de Cuba, who interrupted their pregnancy was carried out, from 2012 to 2016. The following variables were analyzed: age, total of adolescents who interrupted their pregnancy according to methods and procedures, as well as type of interruption.
Results: Of the total of pregnancies interruptions, 25.3 % corresponded to adolescents. The 15-19 age group prevailed. These adolescents decided not to continue the pregnancy in advanced gestational age (8-12 weeks). Among the 2 methods used the practice of abortion had a higher frequency, what is still a health problem in this sector of the population.
Conclusions: The adolescents showed a significant percentage of the total of pregnancy interruptions among the women that were in fertility age, with a prevalence of the 15-19 age group; the most used method was abortion.
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