2021, Number 1
Theoretical-methodological considerations for the treatment of legal content in the prevention of occupational diseases
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 92-107
PDF size: 252.34 Kb.
Introduction: Disease prevention is the cornerstone of the Cuban health system. Un this work, the theoretical-methodological elements associated with the treatment of legal content in the prevention of occupational diseases are addressed, an aspect in which the authors identify a high significance, based on the bibliographic review carried out and the results of the empirical one.Objective: The objective of the study is to elaborate theoretical-methodological considerations for the treatment of legal content in the prevention of occupational diseases.
Methods: During the development of the research, between September 2019 and July 2020, theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, historical-logical and systematization were applied; among the empirical ones, document review, expert consultation and focus group are used. Mathematical-statistical methods were used for information processing.
Results: Essential relationships were defined in the theoretical and methodological order, between the legal content and the prevention of occupational diseases for the optimization of their treatment. Theoretical-methodological considerations are specified in three dimensions, three general principles and the determination of a legal framework. The use of a rating scale of five options, in the validation process, allowed to identify a prevalence of evaluated indicators of Very adequate and Fairly suitable.
Conclusions: The validity of the theoretical-methodological considerations for the treatment of the legal content in the prevention of occupational diseases, in correspondence with the proposed objective, was assessed by consulting experts.
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