2020, Number 33
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INFODIR 2020; 16 (33)
Treatment of material reserves in the responsible depositories
Reyes EJ
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 440.73 Kb.
The material reserves are constituted by the set of accumulated goods since peacetime to guarantee in exceptional condition the population lifetime, to maintain and increase the resistance capacity of the country, to ensure the implementation of the combative actions, to maintain security and internal order and continue economic and productive activity.
The objective of this paper is to describe significant aspects of the processes and the legal framework that cover the treatment of the Reserves Materials in the responsible depositories. A classic documentary review of the processes was conducted and the legal framework of the treatment of Material Reserves in Cuban companies and entities with a budget, emphasizing those of the National Health System, which recovered information to characterize them. The development of the work was structured in three sections.
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