2020, Number 33
Assessment of a preparedness strategy for the management of cadres and their reserves
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 412.28 Kb.
Introduction: During 2013 - 2016, a preparedness strategy was developed to for the management of cadres and reserves in Cuban medical mission in Venezuela. In the diagnostic phase, insufficiencies were detected, so a strategy was designed in order to potentiate management in that mission.Objective: To assess the results of a preparedness strategy for the management of cadres and their reserves after its implementation.
Methods: It was an evaluation research. The processing of the information was made from a qualitative and quantitative perspective. The strategy was validated through coding and decoding process of the information.
Results: The application of the strategy showed positive transformations in population studied in the order of knowledge, assessment and implementation of management content in the development of the work functions they perform, while contributing to the solution of management problems in the center and in areas where they work and a change in attitude in close relationship with ethical-moral values.
Conclusions: The implemented strategy contributed to the preparation for the management of the cadres and reserves of the Cuban medical mission in Venezuela. In such strategy, all the elements are developed in system, they are interrelated and their interaction produces new qualities, which would not be achievable by each of their components in isolation.
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