2021, Number 02
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2021; 89 (02)
Iron Deficiency in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Literature review
Bernárdez-Zapata FJ
Language: Spanish
References: 51
Page: 129-140
PDF size: 231.56 Kb.
Objectives: To update the data on iron deficiency in Mexico and expose the evidence
of the treatment of patients with anemia or iron deficiency.
Methodology:: Electronic search, in different databases, of articles published, in
Spanish and English, between July 2000 and October 2019 with the MeSH: Anemia;
Iron deficiency and iron carboxymaltose; Anemia; deficiencia de hierro; Hierro carboximaltosa.
Results: 178 articles were located, of which 54 were selected because they were
consistent with the aims of the review. 128 were excluded due to problems of methodological
validity or lack of correspondence with the aims of the study. The sources
included are listed in the references section. Conclusive recommendations are issued
based on data from the revised articles and the author’s experience.
Conclusions: In Mexico, the frequency of iron deficiency and iron-deficiency
anemia is low, although there are no figures available to show current trends. The
causes of iron deficiency and iron- deficiency anemia are excessive losses (bleeding),
uncovered losses, increased demand (pregnancy), lack of intake, and absorp-
tion defects. The best tolerated oral iron is the ferric polymaltose complex. Carboxymaltose
iron administered intravenously is well tolerated, with a low adverse
reaction rate.
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