2021, Number 37
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Inv Ed Med 2021; 10 (37)
Virtual Field Work in Qualitative Research
Hamui SL, Vives VT
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 71-77
PDF size: 351.87 Kb.
Restrictions imposed by health contingency and the risk
of contagion have influenced mobility and modalities of
interactions. The aim of this work is to explore the plurality
of options for the co-generation and collection of
material in the fieldwork phase within qualitative research
projects. The text goes through the methodological design
components: participating subjects, available technological
resources, pre-meeting agreements and plan
analysis, and considers the transformations involved in
the virtual modality. Subsequently this paper discusses
how the virtual environment open up new possibilities for
investigating and processing data. Technological mediation
builds new communication channels that call for a
wide variety of profiles with diverse intersectional characteristics.
Formats are also pluralized to process and
present research findings such as documentary videos,
infographics, photo montages, comics, animations, texts
with different literary genres, among others. The shift in
field strategies affects also at the epistemological level,
the construction of knowledge at different levels, through
situational and experiential narratives, is composed with
relational understanding, emotions and descriptions expressed
in virtual spaces. However, the maintenance of
ethical considerations of fieldwork in virtual mode are
unquestionable. Faced with the new normality, there are
at least three responses to the challenges related with the
information collection or the co-construction of data: to
keep the original project as far as possible and pursuit the
possibility to foster physical encounters while maintaining
healthy distance and other hygienic measures. The
second answer is to move face-to-face encounters into
virtual spaces, and the third is to think of new research
modalities and create narratives in innovative formats
using versatile technologies.
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Tratado de la Organización Mundial de Propiedad Intelectual sobre Derecho de Autor (WCT). [consultado: 1 noviembre 2020]. Disponible en: https://wipolex.wipo.int/es/text/295167