2020, Number Esp
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Sal Jal 2020; 7 (Esp)
Factores de riesgo asociados al comportamiento suicida y su interpretación con teorías humanistas en estudiantes de enfermería
Gutiérrez-Campos MJ, Cabral-de la Torre MR, Hernández-Esparza CL, Morales-Pérez F, Martínez-Villagrán IB, Verduzco-Brambila IA
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 6-15
PDF size: 319.46 Kb.
Background: Suicide is a global problem caused
mainly by feelings such as frustration, loss of values
such as dignity, respect for oneself and others.
University students are in a “vulnerable” stage
for the development of suicidal behaviors, which
implies profound biological, psychological and social
transformations, largely generating crises, conflicts
and contradictions.
Methods: In a transversal
study included 2,624 nursing students where the
Suicide Risk Assessment in Adolescents (IRSA) was
applied, consisting of 107 questions in 8 dimensions
of suicidal behavior: non-modifiable suicide risk
factors, modifiable suicide risk factors, depressionanxiety,
suicidal ideation, precipitating factors,
beliefs and protective of suicide.
Results: The history
of suicide attempts (SIS) was presented in 20% and
61% reported having suicidal behavior. Students with
SU had significantly more risk factors than students
without HIS; the proportion of protective factors
was significantly higher in those without HIS. The
highest frequency with HIS was shown between 20
to 25 years, in the female sex and in the face-to-face
Conclusions: The results show that suicidal
behavior in nursing students at CUCS, UDG, should
be considered a public health problem; The humanist
approach allows us to notice an existential vacuum,
and a lack of lives sense to meet the demands of
modern society that limit the development of human
potential to meet the basic needs of coexistence and
human self-regulation.
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