2021, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2021; 32 (1)
Markers of obesity and caloric profile of the diet in medical students from a public university in Mexico: differences by sex and age groups
Aparicio-Martínez S, Veytia-López M, Pérez-Gallardo L, Guadarrama-Guadarrama R, Gaona-Valle LS
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 23-34
PDF size: 655.81 Kb.
Introduction. One of the main health problems faced by the university
population worldwide is overweight and obesity, related to diet and lifestyles.
Objective. To evaluate the relationship between obesity markers and
the caloric profile of the diet, as well as to determine the frequency of
overweight and obesity by sex and age groups of medical students from a
public university in Mexico.
Material and methods. Cross-sectional study, in a sample of 387 university
students. A sociodemographic questionnaire and a frequency of food
consumption were applied, anthropometric measurements were obtained by
bioimpedance.Chi-square and Student t-tests were used for comparison of
means; Pearson correlation test for the relationship between obesity markers
and the caloric profile of the diet. With a level of statistical significance of
Results. A relationship was found between energy from lipids and visceral
fat, in men older than 20 years (r = 0.260,
p = 0.030), in muscle mass with the
caloric profile of the total sample and men younger than 20 years. Between
the kcal provided by lipids and body fat, no relationship was found, but high
percentage of energy from lipids and average percentages of body fat are
Conclusions. The university students in this study present imbalances in the
caloric profile of the diet and high frequencies of overweight and obesity.
These results suggest developing preventive programs
that include comprehensive evaluation and follow-up of
students with risk factors.
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