2018, Number 27
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Inv Ed Med 2018; 7 (27)
Analysis of ethical values among medical students at Anahuac University, Mexico
Weber SA, Silva JE
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 25-34
PDF size: 556.53 Kb.
Introduction: Training medical students on ethical values
is essential to schools of medicine, therefore knowing their
preferences about them is important.
Objective: Investigate the preference and hierarchy of values,
of medical students and compare it with similar studies.
Method: Exploratory descriptive, transversal, research
using quantitative and qualitative design, on medical students
at Anahuac University, Mexico, using a validated
Results: 567 questionnaires suitable for analysis out of
692 obtained were used. 407 women (58.8%) and 285
men (41.2%); mean age 20.8 years. The distribution per
semester were as follows: 19.4% first, second 16.5%,
10.7% third, fourth 19%, 11.7% fifth, sixth 11.1%, seventh
and eighth 9% 8.8%. Of the proposed values, respect
ranked first (66.5%) and in descending order, honesty
(65.8%), family (63.85%) and responsibility (52.9%). Life
was selected by 27.3% with variable importance assigned
and dignity by 39.5% of the students. With exception of
religion as a value, the ANOVA test showed no change as
they progressed in the career and Chi square of Pearson
between first and eighth semester contrasting each value,
revealed no statistical differences in almost all of the
values among respondents, suggesting that education
made no difference between the values between first and
eight semester, although the qualitative part of the study
showed that the majority of the students appreciate as
important the education in values received.
Conclusions: Training in ethical values is essential for
future doctors, it is important to investigate the axiological
preferences among medical students to guide them and
to plan effective strategies to act ethically respecting the
dignity of their patients.
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