2020, Number 1
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AbanicoVet 2020; 10 (1)
Giant Squid meal (Dosidicus gigas) inclusion, as a source of protein in laying hens’ diet
Carranco-Jáuregui M, Fuente-Martínez B, Ramírez-Poblano M, Calvo-Carrillo M, Ávila-González E
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 487.14 Kb.
The giant squid
Dosidicus gigas has a great potential to elaborate human consumption products and
balanced food due to its high protein content. The objective of this work was to include 10 and 20 % of giant
squid meal (GSM) as a protein source in diets for laying hens. One hundred thirty-five Bovans White hens
were distributed as follows: control (T), 10 % (T1), and 20 % (T2), in a 6-week trial. The Productive variables
measured were the physical quality of the egg, crude protein, amino acid profile, and sensory evaluation
(taste), Raw GSM protein (77.76 %), amino acids (g aa/100 protein): methionine + cysteine (3.76), lysine
(10.16), isoleucine (4.26), leucine (6.56), phenylalanine (4.56) and tryptophan (2.0). The Productive
variables measured were (P
‹ 0.05) in posture (%); egg weight (g); food conversion (kg: kg) and egg mass
(bird/day/g), and without difference (P › 0.05) consumption (bird/day/g); Physical quality of the egg with
differences (P
‹ 0.05) in egg weight (g), albumin height (mm) and Haugh units (UH). In egg raw protein and
amino acid differences (P
‹ 0.05), Sensory evaluation (P › 0.05), rating the 3 treatments in 4 “likes”.
According to the results, it is concluded that giant squid flour not exceeding 10 % can be an alternative as
a source of protein for feeding posture hens.
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