2020, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2020; 21 (2)
Organizational empowerment: Labor welfare protective factor
Blanco GY, Moros FH
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 60-65
PDF size: 415.25 Kb.
The current world is subject to change, this sentence is increasingly found in contemporary scientific literature. These transformations before mention were in technological, economic, political and social. Labor organizations have not been exempted, they have revolutionized and, therefore, the people involved in them; forcing them to adopt new philosophies, strategies, techniques and tools to develop at work while meeting the objectives and goals. With this reality we talk about achieving organizational results but at the same time achieving that the worker carries out his activity in a healthy work environment. In this sense, empowerment is taken as a theoretical-methodological model to achieve the well-being of workers, taking as a reference that different authors report that this is only achieved when they feel motivated to participate in the achievement of goals and objectives organizational and empowerment is a management strategy par excellence to achieve this goal. This article is a theoretical deepening in this regard and a model proposal for the Cuban business reality.
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