2020, Number 4
Characterization of patients with dyslipidemia at a Regional Hospital of Colombia
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 27-36
PDF size: 250.92 Kb.
Introduction: Dyslipidemia constitutes a major and modifiable risk factor in the genesis of cardiovascular diseases. Objective: Characterize adult patients with dyslipidemia who came to the outpatient service of the Valle de Tenza Regional Hospital, Guateque Boyaca, Colombia, in 2014. Material and method: A retrospective cross-sectional observational study was conducted. Patients aged 18 or over with alterations in the lipid profile were included in follow-up by outpatient consultation at the Valle de Tenza Regional Hospital, Guateque, Boyaca, Colombia in 2014, using information from laboratory results and medical records. The analysis was carried out using the software ¨ EPI INFO¨, version 7. Results: 600 patients were analyzed, the average age of the population was 59 years, 65.4% were women. The frequency of hypercholesterolemia was 86.28%, hypertriglyceridemia 68.35%, elevated LDL cholesterol 73.72%, low HDL cholesterol 32.64% and combined dyslipidemia 33.33%. The main risk factors found were overweight (44.67%), hypertension (39.8%), obesity (26.67%), and type 2 diabetes mellitus (13.17%). Conclusions: Dyslipidemia is a cardiovascular risk factor with a great impact on public health, which encourages the development and strengthening of prevention and timely treatment strategies.REFERENCES
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